S5 Episode 3: In-Between Nap Time with MyLoveBaby’s Katie Koniuch


This week I got the chance to chat with fellow mama and founder of the newly fabulous and beautiful brand, My Love Baby. Katie's focus for her company is to support local Canadian families, as well as to create a line of clothing and products for infants and toddlers with a gender neutral style- further impacting a lighter carbon footprint while not compromising quality. We connected about the challenges we feel as mothers, trying to balance the many hats we wear, and the many emotions we carry, all while trying to maintain our own sense of self, and keeping our own internal fires and voices strong.

Check it out:

W: https://mylovebaby.ca/

Insta: @mylovebaby.ca

F: MyLoveBaby


Season 5 Episode 4- Making Creative Spaces with Award Winning Artist Catherine MacDiarmid


Season 5 Episode 2: The Paths we Create and the Footprint we Leave Behind with OHbeeHive's Alison Oakes